
Ensuring Fair and Transparent Fund Management

The escrow system is a cornerstone of Arena DAO's competition platform, ensuring fair and transparent management of funds and assets. Working in conjunction with the Payment Registry, it provides a secure and reliable way to handle participant contributions, prize distributions, and withdrawals.


  • Multi-Token Support: Handles multiple token types, including:

    • CW20 tokens (fungible tokens)

    • Native tokens (e.g., ATOM, OSMO)

    • CW721 tokens (non-fungible tokens, or NFTs)

  • Locking Mechanism: Secures funds once the competition is fully funded.

  • Withdrawal: Allows fund withdrawal when in an unlocked state.

Fund Distribution

  • Member-Percentage Distribution: Allocates funds based on predefined percentages.

  • Remainder Address: Receives leftover funds and all NFTs.

Escrow States

  1. Unlocked: Ready to receive funds and allow withdrawals.

  2. Locked: Funds secured during the competition.


  1. Competition Setup

    • Organizers create the competition and set parameters.

    • Participants register and set their distribution preferences in the Payment Registry.

  2. Funding Phase

    • Escrow is in the Unlocked state.

    • Participants send required contributions to the escrow.

    • Once fully funded, the escrow transitions to the Locked state.

    • The competition's activation height is recorded.

  3. Competition Active

    • Escrow remains in the Locked state.

    • Payment Registry records are immutable for this competition.

  4. Competition Conclusion

    • Arena Core determines the winners and prize allocations.

  5. Distribution Process

    • Arena Core queries the Payment Registry for each winner's distribution preferences.

    • The query uses the winner's address and the recorded activation height.

    • Escrow system processes distributions based on: a. Competition-level allocations (e.g., 1st place, 2nd place) b. Individual winner's Payment Registry preferences

  6. Withdrawal Phase

    • Escrow transitions back to the Unlocked state.

    • Winners (individuals or teams) can withdraw their allocated funds.

    • For team distributions:

      • Funds are automatically subdivided according to the Payment Registry records.

      • Team members can withdraw their individual allocations directly.

Last updated