
In the Arena DAO, a small tax is applied to each competition to support the growth and development of the platform. This tax is a crucial source of funding for the Arena DAO treasury, which is used to:

  • Fund project development and improvement

  • Reward active members and contributors

  • Support community initiatives and events

  • Cover operational costs and expenses

Current Tax Rate

The current tax rate is set at 5%. This means that 5% of the funds distributed in a competition will go directly to the Arena DAO's treasury. This rate is reasonable and competitive with other platforms, and it ensures a stable source of funding to support the growth and development of the ecosystem.

Rate Adjustment

The tax rate can be adjusted through a governance proposal, which allows Arena DAO members to vote on changes to the tax rate. This ensures that the tax rate is fair and reasonable, and that it reflects the needs and priorities of the community.

Last updated